Thursday, January 6, 2011

11 in 2011: Day 5 - Places You Hope to Go This Year

Day 5:  Places You Hope to Go This Year

Sorry this is a day late, but I was having Blogger issues last night and was unable to post ANYTHING!  I'm seriously hoping this was a temporary issue and not my computer...I guess we'll see when I try to do a post tonight...

Now on to the point of the post...Kit and MJ are askin where we want to travel this year!  One of my favorite things to do!

1.  Louisville, KY
My beau and I are headed there this weekend for our annual getaway before my life becomes non-existant!  I am so excited, but am really unsure of what to do while there.  We are staying at The Brown Hotel (which I've heard great things about), but any suggestions you all have is MORE THAN WELCOME!

2.  Charleston, SC

I seriously think the stars may align perfectly this year for my return trip to my favorite city in the world!  Here's why:
  1. Patrick has never been, and I think he would LOVE it!
  2. My sister lives less than 2 hours away right now, and I could kill 2 birds with one stone by visiting her, too!
  3. I just found out that Souhwest now flies there, so there's no need to be stuck in a car for 11 hours!
3.  BIG trip -- Location TBD
Patrick and I are planning to take a trip in November of this year.  I say "big" because we are going someplace that neither of us has been, and we are going to be gone for almost 2 weeks!  Can't, if we could just make a decision on the place...

Where are you going this year? 


Caroline said...

We stayed at the Seelbach Hilton in downtown Louisville. It was very nice and close to the 4th street live stuff.

Rachel said...

It sounds like you are going to have a great time in both places!!

Alysia said...

All of those places sound amazing....even the undecided one because I know it's going to be great too. I'm so ready for a trip and they year has just begun. Maybe we can do a couples trip after the madness of busy season. I'll be checking in on you :)