Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Top Two Tuesday!

Top 2 Cleaning and Organization tips or tricks!

1.  Placing the expiration on refridgerated items -- Because I live alone, and usually only make dinner for 1-2 meals at a time, I always keep a Sharpie in the drawer next to my fridge.  Whenever, I open a package of chicken, ground beef, etc. and I am only using a portion of it, I always put the remaining meat in a ziplock bag and write the expiration date on it with a Sharpie.  This keeps food from going to waste because I can see when I need to use it.

2.  Kaboom Foam-Tastic
This stuff is AH-MAZING!!!!!  I first discovered it last year when I had to sub-lease my apartment and needed to get my bathroom it's absolute cleaniest, ever!  It is really so great!  All you do is spray it on the surface, let the "foam" turn white, and then you just wipe it off.  You are left with a perfectly clean surface!

Head over to The Undomestic Momma and tell us your cleaning tips!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I looooooooove Kaboom!!! That stuff smells SO good and works like magic!