Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Plenty to be THANKful For - YouTube and Other Internet Fun!

Manic Mother

Can you believe I am actually posting Day 2 of this Blog Challenge on Day 2?  I'm on a role, I tell ya!  Today I am thankful for all of my "internet" guilty pleasures!

1.  Facebook, of course!  I am sometimes amazed at how addicted I have become to this website...I'm also amazed when I meet someone who ISN'T on Facebook...I always wonder "How do you know what's going on in the world?"
2.  Blogger!  I am so thankful for my blog and what I have accomplished with it!  I am so happy to discovered Blogger.
3.  iGoogle -- This is the most ingenious website for people who sit at a computer all day!  You can check the weather, your e-mail, the news, your blogs, and twitter all from the same website.  It's amazing!
4.  Google Reader!  This is another website that I absolutely love!  If you love blogs and you don't use this, then you need to check it out NOW!  It allows me to read all of my blogs in one place, which I LOVE!
What are you thankful for on the internet?

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