A little over a week ago, I decided that I need to make several improvements in my life. I don't eat healthy enough, I don't workout enough, I don't work fast enough at the office, I don't get up early enough, I don't spend enough time with Zoey, and I'm not always the greatest wife. I know, I know, we all have our faults...but I sometimes feel that everything is fighting against me rather than making me feel at peace and content.
One morning, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. I really thought about what the best ME would look like. I decided that the list to become "perfect" was far too long, and instead of trying to fix everything in one day, I would create a new motto for myself: Be better than yesterday's version of myself.
No, I can't change everything about myself that I don't like in one day...however, I CAN start each day by asking myself what about the previous day I would like to change..and work on that!
So, I've been doing this for about a week, and so far, so good...I can't say that my life has been perfect, but I can say I have made the following positive changes: I've started back on Weight Watchers and I've actually lost some weight; I'm drinking my water every day; I'm working out much more than I had been previous to this change; I'm getting a lot more work done at the office; I have taken my beau on a date night to a restaurant of his choice; and honestly, I'm just happier. I think the best change I have made through all of this is that I'm more positive and try to look on the bright side.
No, I know I'm never going to be everything that I would like..however, I can work to be that person every single day...and that's what I intend to do!
Slow Cooker Queso Chicken Tacos (4-Ingredients)
4 years ago