Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday!

Top 2 Tips
(money saving tips, beauty tips, DIY tips, cooking tips, cleaning tips, blogging tips, shopping tips etc)

1.  Keeping an Ongoing Grocery List
If you are like me, you probably think of 1,000 items that you need to pick up at the grocery store throughout the week. However, when it comes time to actually make a grocery list and pick up the items, I can't remember any of them. That's why I have started keeping a note pad on the front of my refridgerator and then as I think of items I need to purchase, I just add them to the list. This keeps me from wracking my brain at the end of the week and inevitably forgetting something at the grocery store.

2.  Hire Painters
During the week following 4th of July, I decided to take the week off work because I had several household chores I wanted to get done.  My first and biggest project was to paint a wall of my living room/foyer a bright shade of red.  Well, let me just say that it literally took me a week to paint the wall.  It was a TON of work, and I kept making mistakes that I had to go back and fix.  I decided right then that from here on out, I will either hire someone to paint my house or I will just leave it the color that it currently is.  =)

Head on over to The Undomestic Momma and join in the fun!


  1. I keep a shopping notepad right on the fridge too!
    It's definitely a MUST


  2. i do the same thing with my grocery list-otherwise i will never remember what i need

    and i consider myself very fortunate that my boyfriends dad is a painter - i don't realize how lucky i have it when i want to change the paint colors of my house.

    happy tuesday!
